The Calculus

Egel is based upon a small combinator calculus with a limited number of constructs. Below, that calculus is introduced with small examples.


The smallest Egel expression is a constant.

>> 0

Multiple constants compose.

>> 1 2 3
(1 2 3)

Egel supports integers, floats, characters and Unicode strings.

>> 'a' 3.14 "Hello!"
('a' 3.14 "Hello!")

You can define your own constant combinators. Constants are lower-case.

>> data one, two, three
>> two

The nameless pattern-matching abstraction

The basic work-horse of Egel is the nameless pattern-matching combinator. Roughly similar to an untyped lambda abstraction, where variables are uppercase.

>> [ X -> X ] 5

The nameless pattern-matching combinator may consist of multiple alternatives which pattern match from left to right. You can mix variables and constants in patterns.

>> [ 0 -> "zero" | 1 -> "one" | X -> "a lot" ] 1

You can match against multiple values.

>> [ X Y -> X - Y ] 4 1


Often, you will want to put a space after a - symbol. Can you guess why? It’s because constants compose, so 2-1 are the two constants 2 and -1. Make sure to insert the space!

You can define combinators as named abstractions for terms.

>> def id = [ X -> X ]
>> id "Hi!"

Definitions may mention themselves, then they are recursive.

>> def fac = [ 1 -> 1 | N -> N * fac (N - 1) ]
>> fac 3


If you don’t understand the above definition then try replacing fac in the term fac 3. Like this, fac 3 = 3 * fac (3 - 1) = 3 * fac 2 = 3 * 2 * fac 1 = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6. Otherwise, look up ‘recursion’ on the Internet. Good luck!

Egel refuses to rewrite, or reduce, definitions where none of the patterns matched.

>> def z = [ 0 -> 0 ]
>> z 1
(z 1)

In the example above, the combinator z can only reduce a 0, when given a 1 as an argument the interpreter refuses to reduce the term.

Helpful shorthands

With let/in you can bind a variable to a value.

>> let X = 3 in X + 2

A condition consists of an if/then/else statement.

>> if 3 < 5 then "smaller" else "larger"

Exceptions and exception handling

Egel supports exceptions, throw any value anywhere.

>> 1 + throw "don't go here"
exception("don't go here")

You can also catch exceptions in a try/catch block. It reduces the try part, any exception thrown in there will handled by the provided catch handler.

>> try 1 + throw "don't go here" catch [ E -> "caught:" E ]
("caught:" "don't go here")

That’s the whole calculus, you can now program in Egel.